The Slurry-Busta is a vertical cantilever design pump for use in sumps and slurry dams. It has a wide range of performance capabilities . Speeds and motor sizes to be selected to meet customer requirements.
Slurry-Busta Features:
- Cantilever vertical design with no submerged bearings /seals - Grease lubricated bearings - Ability to run dry indefinitely - Flooded wet end i.e. no priming necessary - Adjustment for wear - Head Capabilities to 9 bar - Semi–open impeller - Solids handling capability of up to 15mm - Choice of material: Cast Iron / wear resistant Hard Chrome - Component life extended by wear adjustment feature - Locally manufactured ensuring spares & service availability - Mechanically designed to ensure reliable rugged service - V-Belt driven which allows for easy speed adjustment
Optional: - Frame material: Mild Steel or Stainless Steel - Extended shaft for extended sump depths